Kamala Harris Takes Her Shot at Biden and Trump

The battle for the White House

Kamala Harris Takes Her Shot at Biden and Trump

It wouldn't be unfair to say that the last couple of weeks have been tumultuous in American politics. Most polls now suggest that Trump will win a second term. In light of these projections, we have been reviewing various policy papers Trump’s team is writing. We will continue to share insights on these stories in our upcoming features, including a deregulation march that may remind some of the Reagan revolution of 80’s.

However, in today’s report, we are examining the ongoing civil war within the Democratic Party and how Kamala Harris’s team is devising a strategy to secure her the party’s nomination for President through a comprehensive five-pillar approach. Some may argue that such developments are unprecedented, but in truth, we have seen this movie before. It seems one sees everything if one has been around as long as we have. Before we go any further, here’s a little incentive: we’re offering a 20% discount on yearly plans. Subscribe now and support our journalism!

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We will be back with more business coverage in the next couple of days. Now here’s Kamala!

Unveiling Kamala Harris's Presidential Aspirations

"It wasn't Hiroshima or 9-11, but witnessing a visibly declining President with 50 million Americans tuning in is bound to have repercussions," remarked a key aide to Kamala Harris, capturing the severity of recent developments that have rattled the Democratic establishment.

Biden looked 15 years older than 'energised' Trump, says former aide | US  News | Sky News

Following President Biden's televised missteps, the Democratic Party seems to be at a crossroads, searching for new leadership. Like Caesar had Brutus, it appears Biden may have Kamala. Our previous report on California Governor Gavin Newsom's tactical maneuvers clearly touched a nerve with Vice President Kamala Harris's team. In response, her aides reached out to us, keen to clarify her position and unveil the strategy she's been quietly crafting. Trigger-warning, especially for our Republican readers: this piece relies heavily on insights from Harris's most loyal aides and supporters, highlighting the internal dynamics as the Democratic Party feels the ground shift. Biden supporters, if there are any left, may also not enjoy various comments.

This exclusive feature reviews the five strategic pillars upon which Harris plans to build her potential presidential campaign for 2024. Despite outwardly showing staunch support for President Biden, our investigations and confidential discussions with insiders suggest a carefully planned strategy positioning Harris as the potential new face of the Democratic Party.

The key components of Harris’s strategy include:

  • Strategic Foundation Building: She is balancing loyalty with the strategic positioning needed for future leadership.
  • Public Perception and Media Management: Harris is adeptly rebuilding her public persona, outwardly supporting the administration while subtly establishing her own identity as the leader.
  • Leveraging Identity Politics: Utilizing her groundbreaking role as the first woman, Black, and South Asian Vice President to reenergize the base.
  • Remind Voters of her Record: Emphasizing her rigorous tenure as California's Attorney General to strengthen her reputation as a decisive leader.
  • Forging Strategic Alliances: Cultivating significant partnerships within the party and seeking influential endorsements, particularly from figures like the Obamas.

"Kamala is a much more strategic politician than many realize," a senior advisor shared confidentially. "She's been methodically laying the groundwork for years, managing complex issues like immigration and AI, while building a solid base of support."

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Kamala Harris - Wikipedia

As we explore each pillar of Harris's strategy, it becomes evident that she is playing a long game—one that could redefine the Democratic Party and influence American politics for years to come.

"A few seconds can change the world," reminded the initial aide, reminding us of the few seconds when Biden appear to freeze and lose his chain of thoughts during the Presidential debate. In the 6 weeks before the Democratic convention, we believe Vice President Harris will be using this opportunity to establish herself as the only alternative to Biden. As she approaches this pivotal moment in her career, she is using all her political tools, skills, and political contacts. Even though Kamala Harris will only be 63 in 2028, relatively young in today’s politics, she believes this is her last chance and she is doing everything to make it count.

California Politics: A Crucible of Resilience

Exploring Vice President Kamala Harris's emerging presidential aspirations requires a deep dive into the shark-infested waters of California politics that forged her. The Golden State's political arena isn't just demanding; it's a gladiatorial spectacle where only the most adaptable survive and thrive.

"California politics is like playing 3D chess while juggling chainsaws," quipped a veteran strategist who worked on Harris's early campaigns. "Kamala didn't just learn to play the game; she rewrote the rulebook."

In a time when memes and soundbites frequently oversimplify public figures, it's essential to dive deeper into Vice President Kamala Harris's background. Her experiences navigating California's challenging political landscape starkly contrast the simplistic narratives often found on social media. "We've all heard the cackle, but don't be misled into thinking that Kamala is anything less than formidable," remarked one of her close aides.

This aide from Harris's tenure as San Francisco District Attorney elaborated: "Kamala's public image doesn't fully reflect her abilities. I've witnessed her skillfully handle tough negotiations with law enforcement unions, address progressive activists' concerns, and interact with leaders in the tech industry—all within the span of a single day. She has a consistent knack for managing diverse and often conflicting interests while adhering to her core principles." This environment, a melting pot of varied interests and forefront policy challenges, shaped Harris into a leader with a remarkable adaptability and resilience. "The real Kamala is quite different from the oversimplified images often shared online. To be honest, we are aware that many of these criticisms have come from the West Wing," the aide noted, alluding to rumors that President Biden has intentionally assigned Harris difficult tasks like immigration and limited her visibility to prevent her from becoming a potential rival.

"In California, you're not just dealing with today's problems; you're grappling with issues most of the country won't face for a decade," noted a policy advisor who worked with Harris during her time as Attorney General. "Kamala was tackling the complexities of data privacy and gig economy regulations while most politicians were still trying to figure out how to use Twitter."

The significance of this background becomes particularly salient when considering Harris's potential presidential run. It underscores a level of political sophistication and adaptability that's rare even among seasoned national figures. A campaign manager from her Senate race provided a telling anecdote: "During a crucial debate, an opponent threw a curveball question about water rights - a notoriously complex issue in California. Kamala not only gave a nuanced answer that satisfied both farmers and environmentalists, but she also managed to tie it back to national security. That's the kind of intellectual agility you can't fake."

California's political landscape is notorious for its boom-and-bust cycles, where careers can implode or skyrocket overnight. A close confidant of Harris observed, "Kamala's seen more political corpses than a mortician. But instead of becoming cynical, she's developed this uncanny ability to turn potential landmines into stepping stones. It's almost scary to watch."

As Harris potentially gears up for a presidential campaign, the lessons from California's political crucible will be invaluable. They've honed her into a political apex predator, capable of navigating the most treacherous waters of national politics.

"People underestimate Kamala at their peril," warned a current senior aide. "She's not just a product of California politics; she's its evolution. The rest of the country better buckle up."

Kamala's Presidential Run To Leverage Her Identity

Vice President Kamala Harris is setting the stage for what could be the most pivotal decision of her career: a run for the presidency. She knows she can't do this overtly, but the signs of a run are everywhere. "It's now or never," noted an aide who joined Kamala after the first chaotic year and was instrumental in Kamala taking the lead on abortion rights, something she thinks will build her path to presidency. While Harris has not publicly declared her intentions, the strategic maneuvers within her team suggest a comprehensive plan is being quietly executed. The aide outlined the key pillars, she believes will put the first female President in the White House.

Building a Strategic Foundation

At the core of Harris's strategy is a nuanced balance between loyalty and ambition. "Kamala has always been a team player, but there comes a point when you have to think about the future of the party and the country," a senior advisor confided. This sentiment underscores her approach of maintaining a public alignment with President Biden while strategically positioning herself within the Democratic Party as a visionary leader for the future.

Harris's strategic planning is extensive and multi-faceted. "The Vice President has been biding her time, building relationships, and honing her skills. She's ready to step up if the party needs her," shared a source deeply embedded in her inner circle. This meticulous preparation includes strengthening ties with key party figures, policy experts, and influential donors, ensuring that her campaign, if launched, is backed by a robust support system.

A donor who is known to be among the top-5 democratic supporters, who is known to write multi-million checks told us "we have been in discussion with Kamala's team and are ready to activate our resources once we get the green light." Another lobbyist with Hollywood connections noted, "we have planned several fund-raisers. Money won't be the problem."

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Navigating Public Perception and Media

A key aide remarked on the formidable task facing the team: "Rebuilding Kamala's image is our greatest challenge. She's been subjected to mockery not only from the right but also from the left, largely because the Biden team has left her to fend for herself."

Managing public perception and the media narrative is a critical element of Harris's strategy. Amidst the intrigue and speculation about her political aspirations, her team skillfully maintains a semblance of unity with the current administration. "It's like walking a tightrope," a communications strategist closely working with Harris confessed. The approach involves nuanced positioning: Harris supports the administration while distinguishing herself as a leader capable of advancing the Democratic agenda.

To subtly signal her readiness to lead to the public and party insiders, Harris uses coded language and strategic pauses, particularly when discussing Biden's performance. "There's a growing concern about the President's capacity to energize the base," a former staffer disclosed. "Kamala believes she has the ability to bridge the generational divide while preserving the coalition that brought us to this point."

Leveraging Identity

Identity politics will be crucial for Kamala Harris if she aims to win the White House in 2024. "We need a catalyst to mobilize Democrat voters. Biden's performance has led many to disengage. Harris's identity as the first woman, first Black person, and first South Asian to hold the vice presidency is more than just a historic milestone; it's a core aspect of her appeal. This isn't merely about representation; it's about lived experience," emphasized a campaign strategist. Harris can address issues such as abortion rights, LGBTQ+ equality, and racial justice, not just as policies but as personal stories that resonate with diverse constituencies. “We believe it's important to differentiate ourselves from the Republicans and energize the rainbow coalition; we think an energized base will win us the White House,” declared another aide.

However, there are concerns that this strategy might backfire with Latino voters, a deeply religious demographic and an increasingly significant part of the Democrats' voting base. “You need a message that resonates with Latinos. You will need to emphasize immigration to keep them in the blue camp,” noted an analyst, who believes the Democrats can balance the message.

To reinforce their strategy, the team is seriously contemplating selecting Pete Buttigieg as the Vice Presidential candidate. "A ticket featuring a Black and South Asian woman alongside an openly gay white man will have Democrats turning out in droves," an analyst remarked, predicting that a Harris-Buttigieg ticket could secure victories in crucial battleground states like Philadelphia, Arizona, and Michigan. The analyst added, "The one state they might not win with this combination is Florida, due to its deeply religious roots, but realistically, Biden isn’t poised to win there either."

Remind Voters of her Record

Furthermore, Vice President Kamala Harris is strategically highlighting her tenure as California's Attorney General to bolster her reputation as a strong and decisive leader. "People often forget just how formidable she was," remarked a longtime supporter. "She took on everyone, from major banks to human trafficking rings, making them accountable. We need to bring this aspect of Kamala to the forefront to remind voters of her toughness and leadership capabilities."

In addition to revisiting her past achievements, Kamala Harris also plans to emphasize her leadership on immigration issues. Her proactive stance on immigration in 2022 played a significant role in diminishing the impact of what was anticipated to be a significant Republican surge, effectively turning a predicted 'red wave' into merely a red afterthought. By continuing to champion these efforts, Harris aims to showcase her ability to handle complex national issues and drive meaningful policy changes.

One area where Harris has previously not been very influential is in supporting down-ballot Democrats. However, there are indications that her team is now actively engaging with major donors to incorporate a “Vote-Kamala” clause in their contributions. This strategy aims to bolster her influence and visibility in what is expected to be a costly race for Congress.

Forging Strategic Alliances

Behind the scenes, Harris's team is reportedly making strategic overtures to other rising stars within the party, such as Pete Buttigieg, exploring the possibility of him joining her ticket. "Pete brings a lot to the table. He's young, he's from the Midwest, and he can help us with the moderate lane," a Harris aide confided. They left out he's gay.

Most significantly, Harris is seeking the influential backing of the Obamas, hoping for a strategic endorsement that could sway Biden and the party. "Kamala wants Barack to have a heart-to-heart with Joe. She believes if anyone can convince Biden to step aside gracefully, it's his 'dear friend Barack'," shared an insider close to the negotiations.

As Harris's team continues to strategize, the blend of public loyalty and private preparation defines her approach. With each move carefully planned, Harris is not just preparing for a campaign; she is positioning herself as the inevitable and necessary leader for the Democratic Party's future.

A Sprint Towards The Convention

Next 6 weeks will be crucial. Vice President Kamala Harris’ team is meticulously preparing for all potential scenarios prior to the Democratic convention that will be held in Chicago. Even her rivals acknowledge the fight Kamala has shown. "Kamala knows how to win when you write her off," told us a bitter rival from her California days. "Her approach is clearly to get establishment behind her. Kamala is blending unwavering loyalty to the current administration, while building a coalition that is ready if she gets the nomination. Many are writing her off, but this is a mistake."

Whether Harris will directly challenge President Biden or continue to support him in the upcoming election remains an open question. In our analysis, we think she will continue to use the tools that have won her power so far, by remaining openly loyal, while using her immense network to put pressure on Biden and his family. Her preparations clearly indicate a readiness to lead, reflecting both her resilience as a Californian politician and her acumen on the national stage.

“Kamala is playing the long game. She's not just thinking about the current election cycle, but about the future of the Democratic Party and the country," a senior advisor shared. Her supporters think a Harris run will reignite the party which Biden has failed to do. “Harris envisions a Democratic Party and a country that is inclusive, forward-thinking, and resilient. Her strategy isn't just about winning an election; it's about shaping the future of the party.” This vision includes fostering a party that can build a coalition that can never lose, with strong identity undercurrents, navigate future challenges with the same vigor and adaptability that Harris has shown throughout her career.

Harris's potential candidacy is about more than just personal ambition—it's about cultivating a broad coalition that spans across various demographics and political ideologies. Her identity and political history play significant roles in this endeavor. As the first woman, Black, and South Asian Vice President, Harris uniquely embodies the diversity that the Democratic Party champions. This isn't just symbolic; it's a profound advantage in connecting with a wide array of voters on issues that matter deeply to them.

Moreover, Harris and her team are fine-tuning their communications strategy to ensure that her narrative is conveyed effectively. They are crafting messages that emphasize her strengths—her prosecutorial rigor, her policy expertise, and her capacity for leadership. "We're not trying to change who Kamala is. We're just making sure people see all sides of her—the tough prosecutor, the progressive leader, the history-maker," a PR consultant explained.

Despite the calculated positioning, challenges remain. Harris's polling numbers have shown vulnerability, and there is significant work to be done in reshaping public perception and solidifying her standing within the party. "There's a narrative out there that Kamala is a 'loser.' We need to flip that script and remind people she's a fighter who's faced tough odds before and come out on top," a Democratic pollster noted.

As Newsom and Wittmer take the heat for openly showing interest, Kamala is playing the perfect game. Will she emerge as a challenger to Biden, or will she continue as his loyal second-in-command? The groundwork laid by Harris and her team positions her as a formidable contender, capable of leading the Democratic Party into a new era. In the words of a longtime Harris confidant, "Never count Kamala out. She's got California grit and Washington savvy. That's a combination that could take her all the way to the top."