Strategic Insights - Update

Strategic Insights - Update

Apologies that we have been publishing less often off late. There have been changes at our end.

So today, we are taking a quick break from our regular reporting to offer an update. We have been working on 3 major studies, you should expect these Reports to land in your inboxes in coming days and weeks.

But today, we wanted to bring a short-term platform update.

As many of our readers know, we built a lot of our audience at Substack. While Substack provided us an ability to grow, it has also been restrictive in other ways. We have been debating the future for months and are finally pleased to announce our transition to a new publishing platform,

As a reader, this update may not significantly alter your experience. Those of you who regularly receive our Reports via email will continue to do so; the only change will be the source email address, which is anyway not something we have attached ourselves to much. This strategic transition is, however, designed to enhance how we present our in-depth analyses, employing a more robust and accessible interface that ensures you continue to benefit from our insights. Consistent with our previous commitments, we will keep enhancing both our reporting content and our publishing platform.

Our team considered several options, including remaining on Substack, exploring alternative platforms, or developing our own technology solution. We have chosen for now to utilize open-source tech stack with cloud based hosting to give us better flexibility and control. If we pivot again, you will surely be the first ones to know.

We will maintain our presence on Substack to ensure broad visibility. However, our detailed Reports on web will now be exclusively available on our new website. We believe it is important to protect our content, especially as much of it is available only to our paid subscribers. We are beginning the transition to this platform with our paying members and will extend this migration to most of our readers in the coming weeks.

A Track Record of Prescience: Celebrating Our Successes

As we provide this update, we also want to take a moment to remind our readers what we do and why it matters.

In recent months, we have published several groundbreaking reports:

  • Political Insight: Our report titled "Kamala Harris Takes Her Shot" provided early and accurate predictions on her rise and policy priorities, ahead of mainstream coverage.
  • Market Forecasts: Our analysis on NVIDIA flagged risks of double ordering and impending market corrections, a full month ahead of general market awareness, with subsequent events confirming a 15% stock market decline that underscored our foresight.
  • Economic Analysis: Our in-depth discussion on the divergent economic scenarios—persistent 1970s-style inflation versus steady growth—has sparked informed debate among our readers.
  • Logistics Coverage: Our series on major logistics players like UPS, FedEx, and Amazon has brought to educates on aspects of this essential sector, often neglected in broader discussions. If you love logistics like we do, these are essential reads to understand the current dynamic.
  • We reported on troubles at Snowflake and these have been confirmed and accepted by the market at large.
  • We predicted CrowdStrike would get a mulligan, and that's what was announced during their quarterly earnings.

This goes on and on.

None of this comes easy and none of this comes fast. We take pride in deep and thorough analysis, something we don't expect will change.

As we have done in past, we will continue to dig in deeper and provide Strategic Insights that do not rehash or chase yesterday's news.

The Road Ahead: Quality Over Quantity

As we begin this new phase, we are committed to prioritizing the depth and quality of our content. Here’s what our readers can anticipate:

As we progress into the next stages of our journey, we remain committed to focus on quality over quantity. You can expect to continue receiving the deep, actionable insights that have become the hallmark of Strategic Insights.

We thank you for your support.